Ketchup is made from several ingredients, the primary ones being tomato concentrate, salt, and HFCS. Although studies have been conducted that show ketchup can have many long-term benefits, the negative impact of consuming enough ketchup to enjoy those benefits may not be worth it. First, let’s look at the good news.
Ketchup contains an antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene has been noted to reduce the risk of heart disease in women by 50%. For men, lycopene can increase sperm count by up to 70%, increase swimming speed, and cut down the number of abnormal sperm cells – all of which leads to increased fertility. Ketchup has also been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 20% when consumed at least twice per week, according to a long-term study involving over 45,000 men. In addition to these benefits, ketchup contains a high amount of vitamin A, which is vital in maintaining good eye health. Other benefits of ketchup are that it can help reduce cholesterol, especially LDL, is low in calories, does not contain fat, and can be used to mask the flavor of various foods which may be better for the body than for the palette.
Although the benefits given above are wonderful, don’t start using mounds of ketchup quite yet. First, as listed, high fructose corn syrup (HCFS) is one of the primary ingredients in ketchup. There is a host of negative issues associated with HCFS, one of which is tricking the body into not feeling full and thus inducing overeating. Other various studies have linked HFCS to metabolic syndrome and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Tomato concentrate does not contain all the nutrients in tomatoes as the process involved strips much of them away. About 1/4 of a bottle of ketchup is pure sugar, which can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood sugar. Two other ingredients to take note of are vinegar (a very acidic substance linked to tooth enamel decay and negative impact on potassium levels in the body) and GMOs, which although approved by the FDA are not approved in many other countries around the world, including most of Western and Central Europe. The jury is still out regarding whether or not GMOs have a negative impact on health, but if this is a concern for you, consider consuming ketchup in moderation (80% of all corn grown in the USA is GMO).